26 January, 2010

Time for an update...

Josh's latest blog...(the sound wasn't that great, so I plugged in a set of earphones and it made it easier to listen to).

Lot's of news including an update on the process of making the new album, and his new management. I'd actually heard whispers that he'd moved on from Azoff awhile ago, but didn't post this until it was confirmed. Click here to see Josh's new Bio on the QPrime website. For me the last paragraph makes me really excited:

On his future, Groban is open to a host of possibilities. "I am fortunate enough to have had many really big moments in my career. I think the mistake a lot of people in my position make is to always search for the next big thing. I am looking forward to playing some small theaters. I'm looking forward to writing more. I want to delve further into my acting career and explore some of the film and TV opportunities that I haven't had time for. My outlook is to expect the unexpected. And when the next step comes, I'm prepared to take it."

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