02 September, 2011

Piers Morgan interview...

Well if things go to plan, Josh should be appearing on "Piers Morgan Tonight" tonight at 9pmET/PT. Having already been bumped 2 times before, lets hope that this interview finally makes it to air. A teaser below has been been posted on the CNN website - "As a 30-year-old guy...there are times you want to go out with your band and crew, and you want to party all night."

1 comment:

  1. I'm a huge fan of Josh Groban's and listening to both of his previous CDs have moved me to tears on more than one occasion but after listening to Awake over and over again, I have to say that I'm disappointed. I can't seem to find the same Josh in this CD, I know that he's trying to modernize his music but this "new style" of music doesn't really suit him, I particularly dislike his singing falsetto, he has such a powerful voice with an incredible range, he should use it. Of all of songs, I like the February Song and as much as I love the Romeo and Juliet song, I feel that his passion is somewhat lacking. This is definitely not his best work and I'm looking forward to his next CD.


Have a thought? Let me know what you think...