19 January, 2009

Mr Groban goes to Washington...

I have no words... (apologies if the link doesn't work, but it appears that HBO and YTube are really policing this one)

And then to top off this wonderful performance Josh blogged... Yeah!!!

Here's Josh in another great inteview as part of "Greta On The Record". I tried to embed it, but unfortunately blogger didn't like it, so the best I could do was this link. Once again Josh talks about the thrill he got performing for Obama and then meeting him and the first family to be after the concert on Sunday. Personally, I love to hear him sound so excited about meet Obama. Watch the interview here.


  1. That was the icing on the cake!!! What a kind and sincere person he is. Hunting all over to find where Feeding America is going to be viewed. Enjoyed the new blog as well as his performance yesterday. What an exciting time for Josh.

  2. Just finished reading Josh's written blog about his visit to Walter Reed hospital. Tried to post a message on FaceBook but it's down. Very insightful young man. I'm sure his music is helping those who need it the most.


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