11 January, 2012

Voce Existe Em Mim (Live)...

I've got to admit that for me, the highlight of the "Straight to You" tour was seeing Voce Existe Em Mim live.

While I quite liked the song on the CD, nothing compares to being there live and feeling Josh's energy and that of the band.


(And if you've a good connection speed, make sure you watch it in 1080p HD.)

Ok, so now over to you. Leave a comment letting me know what your favorite song was on the "Straight to You" tour set list.


  1. I saw Josh play in Ottawa. My absolute favorite moment was hearing him sing Higher Window. I'll never forget the image of him sitting at the piano, playing and singing with such passion. About half way through, he looked out into the audience, and I felt like our eyes met. For a moment,the world just stopped. . .

  2. Seriously? We have to pick one? I remember not breathing during Alla Luce del Sole.


Have a thought? Let me know what you think...