06 September, 2009

Josh with Nelly (Pt.3)...

Not sure how long this will last, so enjoy it while you can.

Aire, viento y en mi alma
El fuego se ahoga y solo queda el frio
Sin destino y_a paso muy lento
llevo debil el peso de un tormento

Si tu no estas aqui, no hay manera de existir
Tengo que despertar, tengo que revivir
Es un inmenso vacio, ya no hay amor aqui
Talvez me debo rendir y sufrir en silencio
Silencio, silencio, silencio, silencio

Antes, el sol era mi bendicion,
Ahora, sus rayos me queman sin razon
Antes, creia sin dudar en mi instinto,
Ahora, es tan fragil como un animal herido

Si tu no estas aqui, no hay manera de existir
Tengo que despertar tengo que revivir
Es un inmenso vacio, ya no hay amor aqui
Talvez me debo rendir y sufrir en silencio
Silencio, silencio

Donde el sol no duerme mas y el alma libre va
Yo te esperare y sera hasta la eternidad, amor mio

Si tu no estas aqui, no hay manera de existir
Tengo que desperter tengo que revivir
Es un inmenso vacio, ya no hay amor aqui
Talvez me debo rendir y sufrir en silencio
Silencio, silencio, silencio, silencio

Si tu no estas aqui
Si tu no estas aqui
Si to no estas aqua
English Translation:
Air, wind, and in my soul
The fire drowns and only the cold remains
Without destiny and at a very slow pace
I carry, weakly, the weight of a torment

If you’re not here, there’s no way to exist
I must wake up, I must come back to life
It’s an immense emptiness, there is no longer any love here
Maybe I should give up and suffer in silence
Silence, silence, silence, silence

Before, the sun was my blessing
Now, its rays, burn me without reason
Before, I believed in my instinct without doubting
Now, it’s as fragile as an injured animal

If you’re not here, there’s no way to exist
I must wake up, I must come back to life
It’s an immense emptiness, there is no longer any love here
Maybe I should give up and suffer in silence
Silence, silence

Where the sun no longer sleeps and the soul roams free
I will wait for you and it will be until eternity, mi love

If you’re not here, there’s no way to exist
I must wake up, I must come back to life
It’s an immense emptiness, there is n longer any love here
Maybe I should give up and suffer in silence
Silence, silence, silence, silence

If you’re not here
If you're not here
If you're not here


Have a thought? Let me know what you think...