What a lot of fun...
15 December, 2011
09 December, 2011
Live! with Kelly...
(Yes, I'm back after some time away, so regular posting will hopefully be returning)...
Back from South Africa now the tour is over, Josh has been a guest co-host on LIVE! with Kelly. So far he's done two days, and returns for the final day tomorrow (US time).
Day 1 (Dec 7th) - Click this link for host chat.
Day 2 (Dec 8th) - Click this link for host chat.
Josh singing "I'll be Home for Christmas" - click this link (sorry, but I can't embed the clip)
Day 3 (Dec 9th) - Click this link for host chat.
Also - I'll be updating this post with more pics and videos as they show up, so check back over the next couple of days.
(Picture source - Josh's Official Facebook Page)
Back from South Africa now the tour is over, Josh has been a guest co-host on LIVE! with Kelly. So far he's done two days, and returns for the final day tomorrow (US time).
Day 1 (Dec 7th) - Click this link for host chat.
Day 2 (Dec 8th) - Click this link for host chat.
Josh singing "I'll be Home for Christmas" - click this link (sorry, but I can't embed the clip)
Day 3 (Dec 9th) - Click this link for host chat.
Also - I'll be updating this post with more pics and videos as they show up, so check back over the next couple of days.
(Picture source - Josh's Official Facebook Page)
01 November, 2011
30 October, 2011
New video update...
A couple of weeks ago, I posted an article where Josh mentioned that he would be working with his brother Chris on an upcoming music video.
Chris has just posted this on his blog -
I really wish Chris a speedy recovery. At the end of the day his health is much more important.
Chris has just posted this on his blog -
Hello peoples of the internet. First off, the cat has been out of the bag and dangling quite visibly for some days now. I’m directing a music video for my brother. This will result in a cavernous thud in the minds of some, but I know for others, namely fans of Josh Groban, this will come as overwhelmingly delightful news.(Source)
The concept I drew up for the video was birthed from some cold hard facts: I have zero dollars for a budget, and we have to do it while he is on tour. A challenge to be sure. But I have been on the road with the tour for the better part of this week now, and I’m really happy with the footage so far. I’m on the road for a little over two weeks, and I plan to elaborate more once I’m home. So expect me to retroactively journal this experience in full as soon as the experience has resolved.
Today provided a small snafu however, again something I’ll elaborate on in detail in a couple weeks. The quick story is that I woke up today with what felt like a miniature family of five living in my throat. Adorable, but they left little room for talking, or swallowing, or breathing. I’m stubborn, and spent several hours in the wee morning (I certainly wasn’t sleeping) deciding how I could forge ahead and make due. Instead, I freaked out and went to the emergency room. Half a day later, I lie back in my Orlando, Florida hotel room bed where I will be staying, unexpectedly, for at least a couple more days. I will say that I am fine and will be even better with a couple day’s rest. Unfortunately, the tour must go on without me, along with the rest of the video I need to shoot.
Once in high school I shot a short video in my free time with some friends, and I never finished it. It’s the only project I never finished, and it has always bothered me. Bothered me only slightly less than it motivated me to carry to fruition all future endeavors. I write to you now atop a rickety bridge which I must soon decide whether to cross or dive off. And I will tell you now, if the choice becomes a matter of my health or finishing this video, then I must choose the former.
This very day has been one of the most enlightening in some time. I’ve been working tirelessly for weeks. But all that work did was put me in the hospital, where I will inevitably be spending the profits of said work. So in the end, there is no way to cheat time. The few days of rest I could’ve spent earlier, potentially avoiding all sickness, instead occur now by force smack in the middle of a project that I love. But that wouldn’t have made for much of a story. A silver lining to this nauseating day I suppose.
All of that said, plans are hovering, and plane tickets are waiting to be bought. I am checking back into the hospital tomorrow to see if these 24 hours have worked in my favor. If so, a couple more days of rest should be enough for me to justify picking up the camera again. I love this video so far, and I love working with my brother. It’s not an experience easily deserted. I’m afraid you all will have to stay tuned. And in the meanwhile, be good to yourselves. Work just ain’t worth it.
- CG
I really wish Chris a speedy recovery. At the end of the day his health is much more important.
29 October, 2011
Ben Folds on Josh...
Ben talking about collaborations that just didn't work...
But thankfully for us we do have these two gems...
Still Fighting It...
Life is a Masquerade...
I spent some time in a studio with Josh Groban and we had a blast. He’s one of the most talented people I’ve ever met. He’s smart, charming. I’m proud to call him my friend. We really didn’t do anything but watch Tim and Eric videos for two days. I think we’re determined to do something really good together at some point. I think we both walked away from that disappointed.(Source)
But thankfully for us we do have these two gems...
Still Fighting It...
Life is a Masquerade...
28 October, 2011
Success never comes easy...
From the Oman Tribune...
At 30 singer-songwriter Josh Groban has managed to retain a humble demeanour and a laidback, down-to-earth personality despite the kind of success that most singers can only dream of, writes Cindy Pearlman(Source)
NOW and then, as his tour bus roars along a deserted highway in the middle of the night, Josh Groban mulls over the blur of his life. As the miles rush by, he tries to wrap his mind around how he got to where he is, how he became a pop star with four multiplatinum records and a promising acting career to boot.
“It has been a fast and furious climb,” Groban says, speaking by telephone from a stop on his Straight to You tour. “I was signed at age 17. Then I was thrown into huge environments where it was either sink or swim. I’m a good swimmer and I continued to swim in the deep end – and then the first album came out. Suddenly there was this explosion of fans.”
He still had to contend with moments of self-doubt which were hard to handle amid his burgeoning career.
“It felt like I had to live up to all of these things that literally exploded all around me,” Groban recalls with a bemused laugh. “I had to grow into my puppy paws as an artist.”
That was more than a decade ago, though. At 30 the singer/songwriter has managed to retain a humble demeanor and a laid-back, down-to-earth personality despite the kind of success that most singers can only dream of. In 2007 he was the top-selling artist in the United States, and he has sold more than 24 million CDs worldwide.
You’d think that he’d be beating off the women with a stick, but Groban – who at one point was linked to actress January Jones – reports that he’s single and not happy about it.
“No, I’m not dating anyone,” he says. “That’s what sucks about being on the road. There’s not enough time for film roles and not enough time to meet people.”
Well, not to meet women, perhaps. He did meet the legendary crooner Tony Bennett, with whom he duets on This Is All I Ask on Bennett’s hit album Duets II.
“Without a doubt it was one of the greatest honors of my career,” Groban says. “Make that my entire life. Tony is someone I’ve always looked up to because of what he has done for one of my favorite styles of music.”
He found the 85-year-old Bennett’s work ethic inspiring.
“At 8 in the morning, Tony showed up for sound check looking impeccable in an amazing suit,” Groban recalls, still seeming in awe. ``He sang full-out at that hour in the morning. I saw such a fire in him.
“The real greats maintain such a humility for their craft,” the young singer says, “and they never lose their desire to strive for greatness. It was also just plain fun to stand on the sidelines and watch Tony warm up.
“The cool thing is that he likes to record without headphones,” Groban adds. “We just stood there as two guys with two mikes. It was so old school and a great master-class way to do it. We had such a wonderful day in the studio.”
Lately, however, Groban has been finding his way into film and television studios as well as recording studios. He played an obnoxious lawyer in Crazy, Stupid, Love (2011), and recently did a guest stint on The Office as Walter Jr., brother of Andy (Ed Helms).
“I have been a big fan of the show, ever since it was an English show,” he says. “When The Office came to America, I watched it and thought they did a brilliant job of making it their own. I became hooked and watched every episode.
“The deal is that Andy, played by Ed Helms, is the firstborn in his family,” Groban continues. “That’s usually the favorite son. I’m the second-born, and my name is Walter Jr. after our father. Somehow I stole the name from him, and I’m more happy-go-lucky and successful than Andy. I can do no wrong in our parents’ eyes.”
He was a bit nervous stepping into the well-established ensemble cast of The Office, the singer admits.
22 October, 2011
18 October, 2011
Tour videos...
You've probably already noticed that I haven't posted many tour videos on the site (except for the odd one or two including the amazing Double Dream Hands), and I confess this has been quite a deliberate move. Apart from not having enough time to search for them, I'm also trying my best to hold out watching clips until I actually get to see Josh in November (and yes, I know I'm a little crazy attempting this).
But I've just found a great Tumblr site - Straight to You Tour Blog which has an awesome collection of videos from the tour. So go check it out if you want to see clips from the tour in an easy to find format! (The link to the site will also be included in my Blog Links on the right-hand side.)
But I've just found a great Tumblr site - Straight to You Tour Blog which has an awesome collection of videos from the tour. So go check it out if you want to see clips from the tour in an easy to find format! (The link to the site will also be included in my Blog Links on the right-hand side.)
17 October, 2011
South Africa Radio Interview...
A short phone interview with Josh that aired on Cape Town radio station KFM.
16 October, 2011
New music video???
In the interviews Josh did for his appearance on the office, there was one little piece of information he shared that I found to be quite intriguing. When discussing his own relationship with his brother (Chris), he had the following to say (take particular note of the second last sentence)-
I adore my brother to death. He is one of my favorite people on Earth. We are the best of friends. We’re both in the entertainment industry. I’m in the music business and he is a film director and editor but the dynamic, especially when you are exactly four years apart and you have to share a birthday [they were both born on February 27] from the age of four on — it was one of those things when we are 10 and 14, it was a little bit awkward. After that, we were able to kind of settle into our ages. Now we can go out and have a beer and talk about anything. Especially with him watching the ridiculously early success that I had and the fact that he kept his own head and kept his blinders on and really kicked butt in his own way and his own world — now we collaborate all the time. He’s directing a music video for me next week. I’ve composed some music for some of his filmsSo the question is, what song will Chris be directing the music video for? Leave me a comment if you have any ideas what the next single/video might be. Personally, my pics would be "If I Walk Away" or "Voce Existe Em Mim".
15 October, 2011
The Office Q & A...
As a fan of The Office, it only took a single Tweet from the show’s star/writer Mindy Kaling to convince Josh Groban to lend his considerable soccer mom cache to the hip NBC sitcom. Add to that a miraculous synchronicity between his touring dates and the show’s shooting schedule and the next thing he knew, Groban was standing on the Schrute Farms set messing around with his TV brother and new Dunder Mifflin branch manager Andy Bernard (played by Ed Helms). With mere hours to go before the airing of his appearance on the show, Groban – who has also guest-starred on Ally McBeal and Glee – spoke to reporters about balancing acting and singing with his personal life, his relationship with his real life brother, and how he’d love to play a drug dealer on Breaking Bad.
Q Most people will recognize you as a singer but you’ve flirted with acting your whole life.
Did you watch the episode? What did you think?
Q Most people will recognize you as a singer but you’ve flirted with acting your whole life.
A When I was young I was really interested in theatre, so I guess the first thing that got me interested in acting was the idea that I’d hoped to be a theatre actor at one point. I was really fascinated with Shakespeare and I loved improv. When I was in eighth and ninth grade I joined an improv troupe in LA and eventually went on to a wonderful arts high school and studied theatre there, and before I was signed to my record label I was a freshmen at Carnegie Mellon and studied musical theatre there so acting was definitely at least half of what I wanted to accomplish in the arts.Q How did the opportunity to appear on The Office come about?
A When Mindy Kaling asked me to do the show, she actually direct message Tweeted me. I was shocked to hear from her. And I said, “I’d love to do the show; when are you thinking?’ and it just so happened that the week they were taping the episode was the exact week, out of an eight month tour that I’m doing, that I happened to be in the Los Angeles area. It was 100 per cent serendipity and I’m so happy that the stars lined up for that.Q As a longtime fan of the show, how did it feel stepping into that world?
A The really cool thing about this particular episode was that it’s such an ensemble episode. As a fan of the show, showing up at Schrute Farms and seeing everybody that I love from the show gathered in one place was really an amazing, pinch-me moment for me.Q On the episode, you play Walter Jr, Andy’s younger and more successful brother. In real life, you share a birthday with your younger brother, which must have caused some awkward moments. Did you see any similarities in your character’s relationship with his brother to that of your own?
A Subconsciously, I think there’s always a rivalry in the family, whether you choose to admit it or not. I adore my brother to death. The dynamic, especially when you’re exactly four years apart and you have to share a birthday from the age of four on – when it was 10 and 14, a little bit awkward, after that we were able to settle into our ages and now we can go and have a beer and talk about anything. I’m sure that he and I will get a really great laugh out of this episode because, at certain points in our lives, there are similarities between us and Andy and Walter Jr.Q You’re touring until December; do you find that you’re sacrificing anything by always being on the road for so long?
A I’m not dating anyone. There are two things that suck about being on the road: there’s not a lot of time to film things and there’s not a lot of time to meet people.Q Finally, now that you’ve been on The Office, is there any other show you’d like to appear on?
A I would love to play someone really bad on Breaking Bad. I would love to play a drug dealer or something. I’m completely obsessed with that series. It would be wonderful for me to be on 30 Rock, too.(Source)
Did you watch the episode? What did you think?
10 October, 2011
Sneak Peak - Josh on "The Office"...
Looks like he's channeling Richard from Crazy, Stupid, Love with the hair. LOL
08 October, 2011
06 October, 2011
Interview with Aidan...
This is so cute -
A Carousel Theatre student, Aidan (Age 6), was invited backstage to interview singer Josh Groban before his August 30 concert at Rogers Arena in Vancouver, BC.
Aidan came prepared with microphone, backstage pass and reporter hat (and pirate tie).
The short interview is followed by a chat between Aidan and Jessie, Carousel Theatre's General Manager, who was curious about Aidan's experience.
A Carousel Theatre student, Aidan (Age 6), was invited backstage to interview singer Josh Groban before his August 30 concert at Rogers Arena in Vancouver, BC.
Aidan came prepared with microphone, backstage pass and reporter hat (and pirate tie).
The short interview is followed by a chat between Aidan and Jessie, Carousel Theatre's General Manager, who was curious about Aidan's experience.
01 October, 2011
The Imposter in Oslo...
A couple of days ago Josh re-tweeted a video of a Norwegian comedian, Vegard Ylvisåker, who impersonated Josh for his tv show "I kveld med Ylvis" (Tonight with Ylvis). To see that clip click here.
Well another video has surfaced that shows just how far he went, including a visit to a radio station and even getting into the venue where Josh was performing.
Watch the clip below:
I've gotta say that this did make me laugh, but I was glad to see that security at the venue finally twigged to the fact he wasn't Josh.
Well another video has surfaced that shows just how far he went, including a visit to a radio station and even getting into the venue where Josh was performing.
Watch the clip below:
I've gotta say that this did make me laugh, but I was glad to see that security at the venue finally twigged to the fact he wasn't Josh.
30 September, 2011
Happy Birthday Tony Bennett clip...
Josh is seen briefly in this Target commercial wishing Tony Bennett a Happy 85th birthday. Other stars in the clip include Stevie Wonder, Carrie Underwood, Josh Groban, K D lang, Elton John, Alejandro Sanz, Michael Buble and Jackie Evancho.
23 September, 2011
18 September, 2011
Blog Badge...
If you have a blog and would like to share I Heart Josh Groban with your readers, I've now added a "Blog Badge" that should make sharing even easier. Just copy the code and add it to your blog as a gadget/widget.
This is the image that will be seen on your blog.

And this is the code that can be used.
If you do share it on your blog, leave a comment and let me know. At my discretion, I'll add some sites to either my "Josh Blog Links" (on the right hand side for all things Josh related) or "Friends of I Heart JG" (on the left hand side for those sites not about Josh)
Keep on spreading the Josh. xoxo
This is the image that will be seen on your blog.

And this is the code that can be used.
<a href="http://i-heart-josh-groban.blogspot.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i445.photobucket.com/albums/qq172/i_heart_jg/NewJG.jpg" alt="I Heart Josh Groban" width="125" height="125" /></a>
If you do share it on your blog, leave a comment and let me know. At my discretion, I'll add some sites to either my "Josh Blog Links" (on the right hand side for all things Josh related) or "Friends of I Heart JG" (on the left hand side for those sites not about Josh)
Keep on spreading the Josh. xoxo
17 September, 2011
A look back - Josh, Sting & Chris Botti...
Live in Boston with the Boston Pops Orchestra from back in 2008
15 September, 2011
"This Is All I Ask" with Tony Bennett...
Listen to the entire song from Tony's upcoming Duets II at NPR.
Click here to listen Josh and Tony sing "This Is All I Ask".
Click here to listen to the entire album.
Other songs on the album include:
Click here to listen Josh and Tony sing "This Is All I Ask".
Click here to listen to the entire album.
Other songs on the album include:
The Lady Is a Tramp feat. Lady Gaga
One For My Baby (And One More For the Road) feat. John Mayer
Body and Soul feat. Amy Winehouse
Don't Get Around Much Anymore feat. Michael Bublé
Blue Velvet feat. k.d. lang
How Do You Keep the Music Playing feat. Aretha Franklin
The Girl I Love feat. Sheryl Crow
On the Sunny Side of the Street feat. Willie Nelson
Who Can I Turn To (When Nobody Needs Me) feat. Queen Latifah
Speak Low feat. Norah Jones
This Is All I Ask feat. Josh Groban
Watch What Happens feat. Natalie Cole
Stranger in Paradise feat. Andrea Bocelli
The Way You Look Tonight feat. Faith Hill
Yesterday I Heard the Rain feat. Alejandro Sanz
It Had To Be You feat. Carrie Underwood
When Do the Bells Ring for Me feat. Mariah Carey
12 September, 2011
10 September, 2011
Josh in London...
Looks like Josh is having fun in London.

The European leg of the tour will kick off with a performance at the Proms in the Park on Saturday 10 September. Earlier Josh had tweeted he was battling a sore throat, so fingers crossed it doesn't impede him in taking part in this show.
Here are the dates for the European leg of the tour:
14 - Konzerthaus, Vienna, Austria
16 - Tempodrom, Berlin, Germany
18 - Falconer, Copenhagen, Denmark
20 - Grieghallen Westlandshallen, Bergen, Norway
21 - Spectrum, Oslo, Norway
23 - The Globe, Stockholm, Sweden
25 - Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, Finland
26 - Tampere Hall, Tampere, Finland
30 - Philharmonie, Munich, Germany
02 - Heineken Music Hall, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
03 - Le Grand, Paris, France
06 - KKL Luzern, Lucerne, Switzerland
09 - Phillipshalle, Dusseldorf, Germany
11 - Hammersmith Apollo, London, England
12 - Symphony Hall, Birmingham, England
14 - Bridgewater Hall, Manchester, England
16 - Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow, Scotland
18 - Waterfront, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
19 - Grand Canal, Dublin, Ireland

The European leg of the tour will kick off with a performance at the Proms in the Park on Saturday 10 September. Earlier Josh had tweeted he was battling a sore throat, so fingers crossed it doesn't impede him in taking part in this show.
Here are the dates for the European leg of the tour:
14 - Konzerthaus, Vienna, Austria
16 - Tempodrom, Berlin, Germany
18 - Falconer, Copenhagen, Denmark
20 - Grieghallen Westlandshallen, Bergen, Norway
21 - Spectrum, Oslo, Norway
23 - The Globe, Stockholm, Sweden
25 - Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, Finland
26 - Tampere Hall, Tampere, Finland
30 - Philharmonie, Munich, Germany
02 - Heineken Music Hall, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
03 - Le Grand, Paris, France
06 - KKL Luzern, Lucerne, Switzerland
09 - Phillipshalle, Dusseldorf, Germany
11 - Hammersmith Apollo, London, England
12 - Symphony Hall, Birmingham, England
14 - Bridgewater Hall, Manchester, England
16 - Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow, Scotland
18 - Waterfront, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
19 - Grand Canal, Dublin, Ireland
07 September, 2011
Winnipeg review...
By Gwenda Nemerofsky of the Winnipeg Free Press.
Groban does it all with solid skill(Source)
Shows range of talents for appreciative fans in energetic show
At the MTS Centre Sunday night, Josh Groban firmly established himself as a modern-day Renaissance man. The 30-year-old multi-platinum superstar not only has a lovely and astonishingly flexible baritone voice, but is a songwriter, skilful drummer and philanthropist. Charming the crowd with his familiar hits and friendly, self-effacing patter, Groban offered up a fast-paced show complete with audience participation.
Opening with the moving Changing Colors, Groban, wearing black pants, dark jacket, white T-shirt and black-and-white runners, sat at the piano, centre arena, unperturbed by hordes of fans gathering around snapping photos.
February Song and a bass-heavy You Are Loved, both from his Awake album, followed -- perfect vehicles to highlight his rich low register and faultless (very) high notes.
Backed up by a substantial band including two violins, viola, cello, trumpet, two French horns, trombone, guitar, bass, piano and two drummers, Groban was occasionally overtaken, despite his powerful voice and even more powerful amplification. This was most evident in Alle Luce del Sole; its popular melody was all but lost in the pounding rhythm. Groban sounded best when the band kept things understated.
Aléjate (Just Walk Away), from his debut album, featured Tariqh Akoni on guitar and Groban bringing great warmth to his voice and sensitivity that sounded sincere. Only the gyrating violinist and violist vying for attention detracted from this performance.
Throughout the evening, the energetic Groban chatted with the audience, walking (accompanied by burly bodyguards) through the aisles, stopping to connect with his fans. He responded to texts from listeners, including an invitation to a sleepover from seven-year-old Aidan. He brought tenor Mitchell onstage to sing a few phrases of You Raise Me Up with him.
The atmospheric ode Bells of New York City from his recent Illuminations album was a highlight, with its beautiful melody, superb instrumentation (complete with tubular bells) and Groban's singing at its clearest and purest. We swayed to Weeping, the South African protest song Groban recorded with Ladysmith Black Mambazo in 2006.
The yearning Higher Window, inspired by tough times in Groban's love life, was a resonant reach-out to the crowd, especially the ladies, who couldn't resist the vulnerable quality of his sweet high notes.
Galileo was reminiscent of John Denver's lyrical style, with projections of the planets and universe on the adaptable faux stone wall backdrop. Encore piece Play Me (Neil Diamond) rivalled the original version.
To the crowd's delight, Groban showed off his drumming expertise in two numbers. He also acknowledged a group of youngsters from Winnipeg's Graffiti Gallery, who were his guests at the concert and at a pre-concert reception. Through his Find Your Light Foundation, dedicated to enriching the lives of young people through arts, education and cultural awareness, Groban made a donation to the non-profit youth arts centre.
Rock pianist ELEW warmed up the crowd with high-powered piano-technics, performed while in an uncomfortable-looking lunge position.
Concert Review
Josh Groban
Straight to You Tour
MTS Centre
Sept. 4 Attendance: 6500
Four and a half stars out of five
02 September, 2011
Piers Morgan interview...
Well if things go to plan, Josh should be appearing on "Piers Morgan Tonight" tonight at 9pmET/PT.
Having already been bumped 2 times before, lets hope that this interview finally makes it to air.
A teaser below has been been posted on the CNN website - "As a 30-year-old guy...there are times you want to go out with your band and crew, and you want to party all night."
31 August, 2011
Awesome review from Vancouver...
Thank you, thank you, thank you Francois Marchand of the Vancouver Sun.
Review: Josh Groban sings his heart out in Vancouver(Source)
Operatic pop singer raises Rogers Arena with big voice and big laughs
When: Tuesday night
Where: Rogers Arena
VANCOUVER - Josh Groban's heart is, quite obviously, as big as his powerful baritone.
The 30-year-old operatic pop singer can make you laugh with a few zingers just as easily as he can tug on your heartstrings through song, something that has played a big role in his enduring popularity.
At Rogers Arena in Vancouver Tuesday night, Groban didn't miss a single opportunity to use his wit as much as his incredible set of pipes, mixing comedy and drama without skipping a beat, much to the delight of his fans.
"You paid out the wazoo to be here tonight," he said at the start of the two-hour show. "The least I can do is sing my ass off."
There you had it: The essence of his current Straight To You tour was a mix of congeniality and string-laden pop appeal, guy-next-door charm intertwined with uplifting musical bravado (peppered with a little cheese here and there, of course).
It certainly doesn't hurt when you have five albums to pick and choose material from, Groban's latest being Illuminations, produced by the mighty Rick Rubin, a man whose signature "bring it back back to your roots" approach has most recently created a monster in British soul-pop singer Adele on her chart-busting album 21.
Illuminations, released late last year, marked a sonic departure for an artist associated with "hit-man" David Foster, who made Groban a worldwide sensation and an Oprah favourite to boot.
It also firmly established the L.A.-bred singer in his new hometown of New York City, a locale whose presence is felt throughout the album.
More confessional, closer to the heart - how does one make it truly shine in a faceless, if slightly more intimate than usual, arena setting?
(The upper balcony level was closed, and the concourse was unusually quiet, which is probably a good indication of the kind of crowd that attends a Groban concert: Mostly older couples, moms and dads, with a few groups of young female fans doing the bulk of the real screaming. As one tongue-in-cheek tweet put it best before the show: "Daughters, lock up your mothers - Josh Groban is playing Vancouver tonight.")
Groban's approach Tuesday night was to use every trick in the book to make it click with the crowd on a personal level.
Taking text messages from fans? Check.
Going into the audience using one of the many "Grobanite Access Points" (ie. the steps leading off the stage and into the crowd)? Done.
Singing a bit of Awake with a fan in the stands? Yep.
The core of the concert, of course, was the songs, and Groban can belt those out like few can.
Right from the start, a cover of Canadian indie band Great Lake Swimmers' Changing Colours and February Song had Groban - sporting a jacket, T-shirt, black jeans and sneakers - singing from a platform in the middle of the crowd.
If the evening revolved around a predictable theme, love and hope, with songs like You Are Loved (Don't Give Up) and Galileo (Someone Like You), Groban also showcased his multi-linguistic skills on Alejate (sung in Spanish), Alla Luce Del Sole (in Italian) and Voce Existe Em Mim (in Portuguese).
Groban's voice went from a rich, quivering baritone to soaring heights with ease, Groban often tickling the ivories, backed by a mighty symphonic band consisting of a dozen musicians handling strings, horns, guitar, bass and percussions. (Speaking of percussions, Groban got to show off his drumming skills halfway through the show. Let's just say the guy knows what he's doing.)
The stage was designed to look like an old amphitheatre wall with a broken half arch jutting out in the middle (if the show had taken place at the Orpheum, it would have been redundant), with projections lighting up the prop throughout - animated waves on Oceano, New York landmarks during Bells of New York City, fire escapes and stairs on Higher Window.
(There were no screens showing video close-ups of Groban, however, which may have disappointed some.)
For all the criticism levelled against him - the main one being that he is too "easy-listening" - Groban knows how to give his fans exactly what they want: Who he really is, awkward jokes and all.
Ultimately, how can you not appreciate a guy who, beyond being genuinely talented and likeable, is also dedicated to various charitable endeavours and social causes: In Vancouver, Groban donated some of the money made from ticket sales - via his Find Your Light Foundation - to Carousel Theatre, an organization dedicated to inspiring kids and families through theatrical performances.
You stay classy, Josh Groban.
28 August, 2011
Vegas Sun Review...
By Shawna Laing
Multiplatinum-selling singer-songwriter Josh Groban took over MGM Grand Garden Arena on Saturday night in Adidas sneakers, a sports coat and his signature mop of dark curly hair. It was a sold-out crowd of hysterical Grobanites. A single spotlight on the Grammy- and Oscar-nominated 30-year-old baritone, Groban entered with “Changing Colors” and “February Song.” His last stop in Las Vegas was four years ago, and his fans were ready.(Source) - check the link for Tom Donoghue's photos.
Groban crooned in English, Portuguese, Spanish and Italian. He amused the masses with impersonations of Bob Marley, Jersey Boys, Elmo and Beyonce (complete with choreography). The 2-hour set list included “Alla Luce Del Sole,” “Machine,” “Voce Existe Em Mim,” “Bells of New York City,” “If I Walk Away,” “You Are Loved (Don’t Give Up),” “Galileo” and his signature “You Raise Me Up.” Most powerful was “The War at Home,” a song he wrote for the military.
Crowd participation is a central theme of Groban’s Straight to You Tour. The audience was encouraged to snap photographs, record video and get up-close-and-personal with Groban. He referred to the stage stairs with trepidation. His security calls them GAPS, aka Grobanite Access Points. He said that Las Vegas fans smell like “Chanel No. 5 and barbecue.”
Groban led into the Q&A segment of the evening by saying, “Let’s open up this box of chocolates and see where the nuts are!” The first question came from Stephanie front and center: “When the world ends in 2012, I will be at Disneyland … where will you be?” Groban responded with “Vegas riding the New York, New York rollercoaster, eating Grimaldi’s pizza and at Crazy Horse every night ... amateur night!”
There was a brief intermission with a fierce orchestral cover of “Live and Let Die.” Groban’s music director and guitarist Tariqh Akoni genuinely enjoys his job and shows it, and impeccable pianist Mark Stephens resembles Penn Jillette of Penn & Teller.
Groban talked of his Find Your Light Foundation, which supports a local instrument recycling charity -- Music for Hope. Music for Hope distributes refurbished instruments to local youth programs. Groban described his childhood in the arts -- the impact, influence and joy. “Text ART to 50555 to make a $10 donation to support the cause,” he implored the audience.
Groban revealed that he purposely schedules a break in his tour to accommodate ample recreation time in Las Vegas. He was spotted at the Cosmopolitan early yesterday morning. He dined at STK and partied at Marquee, where fellow warbler Mark Salling (of Glee fame) was celebrating his 29th birthday. @JoshGroban later tweeted “Vegas I tried, fatigue 1 fun 0.”
If you missed the show at MGM Grand Garden Arena, you can get an ample dose of Groban by watching The Office next season, when Josh joins the cast as Andy Bernard’s brother. He is currently on the big screen in Crazy, Stupid, Love starring, coincidentally, The Office’s Steve Carrell, Julianne Moore, Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone.
Thanks to Tom Donoghue for his photo gallery from the Straight to You Tour stop.
27 August, 2011
Sacramento Review...
By Patricia Willers.
Who knew a bari-tenor could have groupies?(Source)
Josh Groban put on an excellent show Wednesday night at Power Balance Pavilion. Groban began the show on a stage in the center of the arena, dozens of Grobanites, as they are called, swarming around the raised platform.
“You guys are circling like sharks,” said Groban.
His show was spotted with comedy, which was a rather delightful surprise. One doesn’t necessary expect to laugh at a Josh Groban concert, and in fact, everyone did – and frequently. Throughout the show he was tremendously interactive with the audience.
“I had a Starbucks earlier,” said Groban. “I’m really sorry.”
It would be interesting to know if this is the vibe and character of a normal show, or if it was a uniquely caffeinated mood. Judging by his confidence, mixing at random - “I Wanna Sex You Up” and eggs over easy; it seems that he was born caffeinated.
Groban was excited to be back in Sacramento, citing that this was the place that he got his start. He referred to his performance at the inauguration of Gov. Gray Davis and also mentioned producer and composer David Foster on several occasions. Foster, who arranged Groban’s first gig at Power Balance, ARCO Arena at the time, is often credited for having “discovered” Groban.
Groban was preceded by opener, Elew, an exuberant pianist who was always standing, kneeling or dancing – never sitting. His pieces ranged from classical to “Sweet Home Alabama,” a unique choice for a piano solo that got the crowd clapping.
Elew played as if he were at home tinkering on his own set of keys rather than in a sizeable complex, even playing the strings inside the piano with his left hand as he tickled the ivories with his right.
He won the hearts of many in just a few minutes and was a nice opening act for Groban, particularly because of Groban’s light-hearted and goofy demeanor. I would guess that he and Elew have some fun head to head musical battles in their off hours.
Midway through his set, as Elew began to stoically play “Love Story,” a woman in the next row questioned a friend.
“Isn’t that the Young and the Restless?”
Her query demonstrated exactly why the tune was chosen, and gave insight into Elew’s creative sense of humor.
Yet another performer to watch for in the future is Groban’s musical director, Tariqh Akoni. Akoni played various roles during the show, a highlight being his acoustic guitar solo during “Just Walk Away,” which Groban performed in Spanish.
Throughout the show, it was very apparent that Groban loves music. He arrived in Sacramento with basically his own orchestra in tow, his musical peeps, as he referred to them. More and more people joined him on stage depending on the genre or style of the song at the moment. The musicians on stage with him, how they play, and how and when he brought them forward to play said a lot about his attitude towards the various genres.
Groban prides himself for the variety in his repertoire. He had just that, his set list including songs in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Latin. Then, suddenly, he’s pounding away on a trap set in center stage.
Admittedly, I think that I could do with his voice alone. The accompaniment was high quality, but when he really sings, there’s magic in it.
Perhaps my expectations were too high, but I thought it possible there would be some tears shed at this event. There were several moments when his voice really was that impressive, the first song and last song included, but throughout the bulk of the concert, while his excellent vocals surely got the job done, it seemed that he wasn’t taking full advantage of his incredible talent. With a voice like that, less is more, because it’s already so much.
Throughout the evening, Groban took advantage of his extraordinary range. “Changing Colors,” for one, took advantage of the upper extreme. His performance, of course, was flawless.
The romantic, “Galileo,” was also a crowd favorite. Another song was dedicated to servicemen and women around the world. “The War at Home,” was very well received, the somber sound of a military snare sequence in the background serious, yet heartfelt.
By the end of the show, I was even more convinced. All I wanted was that voice, Groban on stage, no mic, no graphics, maybe a grand piano.
One lucky woman in the audience, among hundreds participating, text her thoughts to Josh Groban and found herself onstage. Beth Guido explained via SMS that she had been inspired by Groban and still today continues to work towards a singing career. Groban and Guido sang a nice rendition of “Happy Birthday” to another audience member. It’s safe to say that the audience liked her; their voices blended quite well, in fact, it’s actually too bad she didn’t say, “The Prayer,” when he asked her what she wanted to sing.
Beth, please keep that in mind for the future.
26 August, 2011
Josh Groban... is smart, funny -- and can sing...
By Kyle O'Brien from The Oregonian
Sorry guys, Josh Groban will woo your girlfriend, and you can't do a thing about it.(Source)
Groban's dulcet tones are like spoonfuls of sugar to her, making his sweet medicine of classical-meets-pop music go down as smooth as baby food. While you might not like his music -- in fact, when you hear Groban's symphonic love songs you might be tempted to get into a bathtub with a live ferret -- the guy has a sharp, dry sense of humor, so it's pretty difficult to hate him.
Performing on Jimmy Kimmel's show earlier in the year exposed Groban's wit, as he performed Kanye West's real Twitter tweets with his piano and voice. A classic was, "I make awesome decisions in bike stores."
"The next time I do it, it should be for Gary Busey," he joked during a recent phone interview.
Groban, 30, knows that he appeals to a primarily female fan base, but he's appreciative when he can reach new audiences.
"Anytime something goes viral like that you reach fans and folks who aren't your fans. You're given the opportunity to present yourself as a person, not just an artist," he said.
Groban's sense of humor was honed during his formative years in Los Angeles, where he studied theater and comedy improv before being discovered for his rich, sonorous voice. After an appearance on "Ally McBeal" in 1999, Groban launched into superstardom at a young age, leaving acting mostly behind.
Groban, who performs Friday night at the Rose Garden arena, spoke from Chicago during the middle of his world tour, in support of his album "Illuminations," which was produced by rock producer-guru Rick Rubin.
"I'm having an amazing time on this tour. We were experimenting early in the year with smaller venues," said Groban, who added that he and his band wanted to translate the welcoming nature of those smaller venues into arena shows.
He added, deadpan, "There will be lots of indoor fireworks, with big paper hearts falling from the ceiling ... and whipped cream of course."
Funny ...
The real show is set in the round, meaning more people can be closer to Groban.
"We used the ideas that allowed for the most amount of people to get close," he said. "The way the stage is set up allows me to see every head that's there. There's a lot of crowd interaction ... there's even a text message Q&A. That always seems to yield the most hilarious moments of the evening."
Groban branches out on "Illuminations," writing several of the tracks and singing songs by varied artists such as Rufus Wainwright, Kate McGarrigle and Nick Cave, in Portuguese, English and French. But acting still calls. He recently appeared in his first film, playing Emma Stone's boorish boyfriend in "Crazy, Stupid, Love."
"I was completely out of my element. But it was great to do it and play against type," he said.
Groban continues to grow as an artist, and this tour is a big part of that.
"This represents the best of what I've done. ... This tour is more about the connection with my audience than I've ever had. ... I want the crowd on their feet going bananas," he said, laughing.
So watch out for your girlfriend ...
19 August, 2011
LA Review...
By Lauren Wilson for the Orange County Register
Fans cheer for Josh Groban at Staples(Source)
The singer’s arena show may have been low-budget and predictable, but it was satisfying all the same.
Josh Groban has put a lot of work lately into cultivating his regular-guy, funnyman image. His music may be more serious, but he seems to have no problem poking fun at himself.
Doubters can watch his pompous cameos on Glee, his musical rendition of Kanye West’s greatest tweets on Jimmy Kimmel Live! or, most recently, his turn as a Emma Stone’s dorky, Blackberry-addicted boyfriend in Crazy Stupid Love.
Groban’s hair-ruffling, aw-shucks form of self-deprecation adds to his public persona as an ordinary Joe who simply happens to have an extraordinary voice. Donning a casual white T-shirt beneath his black sports coat, with sneakers peeking out from the bottom of his dress pants, Groban looked every bit as rascally boyish Wednesday night at Staples Center as he did 10 years ago when he dropped his self-titled debut.
Despite his successful singing career, the L.A. native is quick to remind audiences of his original thespian intents: he performed in comedy troupes in high school and college and appeared on Ally McBeal before he ever released a record. His prior training lends a certain flair to his showmanship, a crucial factor given how much this production relies on his voice and charm.
His latest tour is dubbed Straight to You, and the show is exactly what the name implies: a direct, no-frills performance that delivered the music and the man without any big-budget special effects. There weren’t even any JumboTron close ups, a disadvantage for those stuck in the back or in some of the more remote triple-decker luxury suites.
Groban’s only real props were a small platform at center-court (for interludes away from the main stage) plus intricate designs projected onto a backdrop, transforming it to suit the song or mood. During “Oceania,” for instance, it became an undulating sea that was later appropriately shaded red, white and blue during “The War at Home,” his salute to troops.
The upper nosebleed levels at Staples Center were curtained off, giving the illusion of an intimate, packed show (as intimate as this arena could ever be). The crowd generally skewed older, comprised of folks who left kids or grandkids at home for a classy night out; some even dressed and brought binoculars as if they were headed to the theater. Needless to say, the audience was more docile than your typical pop-concert crowd; they remained glued to their seats until they were “raised up” (pardon the pun) during Groban’s show-closing smash.
As for his vocal gymnastics, Groban’s tone was reliably pitch-perfect. His effortless baritone makes the contrast between Groban the classical pop singer and Groban the goofy guy even starker. The chatty chanteur fostered a chummy bond with his audience, spitting out rapid-fire quips likely prepared beforehand but which nonetheless went over smoothly, eliciting laugh after laugh. He came off like a cheesy but affable guy you’d invite over for dinner, the kind of person who’s never experienced an awkward silence in his life.
And he made up for the lack of effects with plenty of fun segments, banging out a drum solo, for instance, during a “Live and Let Die” passage that meandered into his next song. Afterward, he indulged some audience participation, answering questions attendees had texted beforehand.
The queries ranged from Groban’s favorite “yo mama” joke to a request to sing with him onstage from Natalie, a recent musical theater graduate from UCI. Groban happily obliged and crooned a duet version of “Happy Birthday to You” with her for another fan in the crowd.
Later in the show, he brought up a couple who had been together 44 years and served them wine, plus two likely underage singletons who received milk instead. While they enjoyed their drinks, he asked the couple for their secret to a long marriage.
“She’ll answer,” the husband shot back facetiously.
Then he sat the foursome down on inflatable plastic couches (the show really was low-budget) and cheekily told them the next song – “Broken Vow,” off his second album, Closer – is about cheating.
Groban’s expert vocals coupled with his easygoing demeanor made for a fun, low-key performance that pulled no punches but also held few surprises. The straightforward predictability may have detracted from the night’s excitement for some, but were I to base my assessment on the reaction of the hefty men ahead of me shamelessly wailing along to “You Raise Me Up,” I’d chalk this one up as a win for Groban.
Jazzy opening act ELEW, meanwhile, tore up his piano like a rock star, covering popular favorites that included Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “Sweet Home Alabama,” the Killers’ “Mr. Brightside” and the Rolling Stones’ “Paint It Black.”
Josh to be on "The Office"...
A few hours ago Josh tweeted:
And now, Deadline.com is reporting the following:
And now, Deadline.com is reporting the following:
Will we see a duet performance by the Bernard brothers on The Office this coming season? Crooner Josh Groban has been tapped to play the brother of Ed Helms' character Andy Bernardon the long-running NBC comedy series. This is the latest member of the Bernard clan to be cast as the network just cast Stephen Collins and Dee Wallace as Andy's parents. This marks Groban's first TV acting stint since his star-making turn on Ally McBeal 10 years ago. (He has done a couple of voice over gigs on animated comedies.) It comes on the heels of his first movie role in this summer's comedy Crazy, Stupid, Love., where he co-starred alongside former Office leading man Steve Carell.I wonder if this had something to do with the mysterious cancellation of the San Diego show? Perhaps not... Mindy Kaling (who plays Kelly Kapoor on the NBC sitcom "The Office", and is is also a co-executive producer and writer of several of the show's episodes), has just tweeted this:
13 August, 2011
Tony Bennett - Duets 2
Another clip has surfaced about the new Tony Bennett Duets 2 CD. As previously mentioned, Josh will join Tony to sing "This Is All I Ask".
Although Josh isn't interviewed in this clip, he can be be seen (albeit for a second or two) at 1:27
Although Josh isn't interviewed in this clip, he can be be seen (albeit for a second or two) at 1:27
In Elle...
A great article (including some of the most awesome Q&A's ever) by Mickey Rapkin for Elle.
Josh Groban may have the best poker face in music. For 10 years, he dutifully filled the role of Adult Contemporary’s boy wonder, selling more than 25 million albums full of mom-friendly, vaguely religious uplift (“You raise me up so I can stand on mountains”). But this year, in a surprise segment on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, the musician showed his cards, mocking Kanye West—and himself—by setting a selection of the rapper’s ridiculous tweets to an operatic score, belting out verbatim Kanye-isms like “I make awesome decisions in bike stores!!!” If Groban’s public about-face came as something of a surprise, well, let’s just call it a welcome revamp for the singer, who, after a three-year absence from recording, delivered 2010’s Illuminations, an unlikely collaboration with Rick Rubin—the bearded industry veteran better known for his work with Adele and Metallica. Shortly before Groban’s thirtieth birthday last year, he moved from Malibu to Manhattan, putting 3,000 miles between himself and ex-girlfriend January Jones. This month, he colors farther outside the lines with his feature-film debut in Crazy, Stupid, Love., as Emma Stone’s caddish boyfriend. Groban for the win!
ELLE: Your music famously puts women in the mood. Are you aware of that?
JOSH GROBAN: I’m delighted. I’d like to get the message out there to guys: I’m here to help.
ELLE: What music do you play when you have a lady over?
JG: Not mine.
ELLE: Never?
JG: One time when I was lying in bed, this girl went to my laptop and put on one of my songs. I remember yelling from the other side of the room, “What is that? Turn that off!”
ELLE: So what happened to that girl?
JG: I kicked her ass out of the room.
ELLE: Really?
JG: No, I’m kidding. I politely said, “Hey, why don’t I come over there, and let’s look at the songs together?”
ELLE: A reporter once asked Katy Perry, “Who is your most embarrassing crush?” She answered…you.
JG: I know Katy quite well. And no—I don’t take it personally. People were asking if we’d dated. I’ll leave it at that.
ELLE: What’s the grandest gesture you’ve made for a woman?
JG: If I’m in a relationship, I’ll go to the ends of the earth. If I’m on the road and we have a conversation, and she says, “God, I really wish I was there with you right now,” I’ll hang up the phone, send a car, and have the plane ready.
ELLE: Baller! Are you in the Mile High Club, then?
JG: I’ve never done it on a plane. That’s always been a fascination…. The logistics. The covert planning. The interesting use of blanket.
ELLE: Is a volatile argument a sign of a healthy relationship or a troubled one?
JG: If there’s crying, and you get through it, that’s a good thing. I’m all about, Go ahead, throw that shoe. I’ll catch it.
ELLE: If you could bed one woman in the history of music, who would it be?
JG: Oh man, what is her name? From The Sound of Music…
ELLE: Julie Andrews? Really? She made clothing out of drapes.
JG: No, she was sexy in that movie! There was a spicy vixen under all of that.
ELLE: You’re in the middle of a six-month world tour. Have you ever spotted an attractive woman in the crowd and invited her back to your dressing room?
JG: The road is lonely, but I’ve never done that.
ELLE: I don’t believe you.
JG: I might be crazy, but I can’t be intimate with a girl unless I really think she’s into me. Also, I could never get away with that. What would I be doing when she walked into my dressing room? Casually sitting in a velvet robe, sipping brandy? Like, “Oh, I see my assistant found you. Please enter. Cigar?”
ELLE: Your tour began in New Orleans. Did you get into any trouble there?
JG: Well, when I was there for my first tour in 2004, my crew dragged me to a strip club.
ELLE: Dragged, huh?
JG: The crew said, “Josh, get over yourself. Nobody’s going to recognize you.” Well, this guy with a trucker hat was sitting next to me, and we’re kind of doing our thing: “Yeah, look at her.… Oh, she’s pretty flexible.” Then he says, “I’m taking my wife to your show tomorrow night.”
ELLE: You recently moved from L.A. to Manhattan. What’s different between the women in New York and California?
JG: A New York girl would have no problem saying straight off the bat, “I’ve never heard of you.”
ELLE: In Crazy, Stupid, Love., you play a tool who calls his girlfriend nicknames like “Hannah Banana.” What’s the worst nickname a girl’s ever given you?
JG: When I was a kid at summer camp, a girl called me Alf.
ELLE: As in, the ’80s TV show?
JG: Yeah, Alf. “Alien Life Form.” Hates cats. At that age—like puppies and their paws—I hadn’t quite grown into my face. I had huge hair and really accentuated facial features.
ELLE: What’s the most painful thing a woman’s ever said to you?
JG: Besides calling me Alf? Whenever a woman gives me that look—Aww, you’re sweet!—that burns with the heat of a thousand suns.
ELLE: Would you say your good-guy image hurts your chances at love?
JG: People assume that because I make romantic music, I must be moments away from pulling up in my golden gondola. I’ve tried to be edgier than I am, and it looks ridiculous. But there are always bad girls who like to corrupt the good guys.
ELLE: So it must be working out for you.
JG: I’ve been in opposites-attract situations. Let’s put it this way: I’ve been very, very happy that I’m me.
Josh Groban may have the best poker face in music. For 10 years, he dutifully filled the role of Adult Contemporary’s boy wonder, selling more than 25 million albums full of mom-friendly, vaguely religious uplift (“You raise me up so I can stand on mountains”). But this year, in a surprise segment on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, the musician showed his cards, mocking Kanye West—and himself—by setting a selection of the rapper’s ridiculous tweets to an operatic score, belting out verbatim Kanye-isms like “I make awesome decisions in bike stores!!!” If Groban’s public about-face came as something of a surprise, well, let’s just call it a welcome revamp for the singer, who, after a three-year absence from recording, delivered 2010’s Illuminations, an unlikely collaboration with Rick Rubin—the bearded industry veteran better known for his work with Adele and Metallica. Shortly before Groban’s thirtieth birthday last year, he moved from Malibu to Manhattan, putting 3,000 miles between himself and ex-girlfriend January Jones. This month, he colors farther outside the lines with his feature-film debut in Crazy, Stupid, Love., as Emma Stone’s caddish boyfriend. Groban for the win!
ELLE: Your music famously puts women in the mood. Are you aware of that?
JOSH GROBAN: I’m delighted. I’d like to get the message out there to guys: I’m here to help.
ELLE: What music do you play when you have a lady over?
JG: Not mine.
ELLE: Never?
JG: One time when I was lying in bed, this girl went to my laptop and put on one of my songs. I remember yelling from the other side of the room, “What is that? Turn that off!”
ELLE: So what happened to that girl?
JG: I kicked her ass out of the room.
ELLE: Really?
JG: No, I’m kidding. I politely said, “Hey, why don’t I come over there, and let’s look at the songs together?”
ELLE: A reporter once asked Katy Perry, “Who is your most embarrassing crush?” She answered…you.
JG: I know Katy quite well. And no—I don’t take it personally. People were asking if we’d dated. I’ll leave it at that.
ELLE: What’s the grandest gesture you’ve made for a woman?
JG: If I’m in a relationship, I’ll go to the ends of the earth. If I’m on the road and we have a conversation, and she says, “God, I really wish I was there with you right now,” I’ll hang up the phone, send a car, and have the plane ready.
ELLE: Baller! Are you in the Mile High Club, then?
JG: I’ve never done it on a plane. That’s always been a fascination…. The logistics. The covert planning. The interesting use of blanket.
ELLE: Is a volatile argument a sign of a healthy relationship or a troubled one?
JG: If there’s crying, and you get through it, that’s a good thing. I’m all about, Go ahead, throw that shoe. I’ll catch it.
ELLE: If you could bed one woman in the history of music, who would it be?
JG: Oh man, what is her name? From The Sound of Music…
ELLE: Julie Andrews? Really? She made clothing out of drapes.
JG: No, she was sexy in that movie! There was a spicy vixen under all of that.
ELLE: You’re in the middle of a six-month world tour. Have you ever spotted an attractive woman in the crowd and invited her back to your dressing room?
JG: The road is lonely, but I’ve never done that.
ELLE: I don’t believe you.
JG: I might be crazy, but I can’t be intimate with a girl unless I really think she’s into me. Also, I could never get away with that. What would I be doing when she walked into my dressing room? Casually sitting in a velvet robe, sipping brandy? Like, “Oh, I see my assistant found you. Please enter. Cigar?”
ELLE: Your tour began in New Orleans. Did you get into any trouble there?
JG: Well, when I was there for my first tour in 2004, my crew dragged me to a strip club.
ELLE: Dragged, huh?
JG: The crew said, “Josh, get over yourself. Nobody’s going to recognize you.” Well, this guy with a trucker hat was sitting next to me, and we’re kind of doing our thing: “Yeah, look at her.… Oh, she’s pretty flexible.” Then he says, “I’m taking my wife to your show tomorrow night.”
ELLE: You recently moved from L.A. to Manhattan. What’s different between the women in New York and California?
JG: A New York girl would have no problem saying straight off the bat, “I’ve never heard of you.”
ELLE: In Crazy, Stupid, Love., you play a tool who calls his girlfriend nicknames like “Hannah Banana.” What’s the worst nickname a girl’s ever given you?
JG: When I was a kid at summer camp, a girl called me Alf.
ELLE: As in, the ’80s TV show?
JG: Yeah, Alf. “Alien Life Form.” Hates cats. At that age—like puppies and their paws—I hadn’t quite grown into my face. I had huge hair and really accentuated facial features.
ELLE: What’s the most painful thing a woman’s ever said to you?
JG: Besides calling me Alf? Whenever a woman gives me that look—Aww, you’re sweet!—that burns with the heat of a thousand suns.
ELLE: Would you say your good-guy image hurts your chances at love?
JG: People assume that because I make romantic music, I must be moments away from pulling up in my golden gondola. I’ve tried to be edgier than I am, and it looks ridiculous. But there are always bad girls who like to corrupt the good guys.
ELLE: So it must be working out for you.
JG: I’ve been in opposites-attract situations. Let’s put it this way: I’ve been very, very happy that I’m me.
11 August, 2011
Milwaukee review...
By Dave Tianen of The Journal Sentinel.
For years, he has been the puppy-eyed altar boy crooner atop the popera pyramid.(Source)
Josh Groban has been a kind of teen idol for non-teens, a poetic soul possessed of a stunning and powerful tenor voice, singing dramatic David Foster ballads in a Berlitz medley of romantic languages. Women from their college years to grannydom have melted under the spell of those ballads.
But he was also all heart and no loins, a sexual menace on a par with Justin Bieber.
But after a prolonged absence, Josh Groban returned to the Bradley Center Tuesday night with more than a hint that he may be a musician in transition. There's still that tousled mane of brown hair, but at 30, the jaw line has tightened. More importantly, last year, Groban cut "Illuminations," a new album with Rick Rubin, famous for producing the acclaimed stripped-down albums from Johnny Cash's last years.
Groban entered the arena from the rear and took his place at the piano on a mini-stage in the center of the floor, with sections above the luxury boxes at the Bradley Center curtained off. The evening opened on a distinct singer-songwriter cast. "Changing Colors" would have fit easily in an '80s Elton John collection. "You Are Loved (Don't Give Up)" was an old fan favorite, but with a jacked-up rhythm line. It actually took Groban four songs to abandon English, which clearly suggests a change of habit.
Signs of a more multifaceted Groban continued to surface throughout the set. "Bells of New York City" is a new tune from "Illuminations," and it suggests a cross-pollination of Art Garfunkel and '70s Neil Sedaka. The African anthem "Weeping" goes back in Groban's résumé to the "Awake" album from 2006, but it's an uplifting and welcome diversion in the set list.
It probably would be neither wise nor profitable for Groban to abandon the romantic melodramas altogether. "Broken Vow" is the kind of big-voiced romantic-disaster tale that Celine Dion has built a career on. Groban closed with "You Raise Me Up," which has always struck me as a "Wind Beneath My Wings" rewrite. But that kind of high drama crooning works best when surrounded by music of different shades and moods.
Tuesday, Groban seemed more pop and less popera. That's a good thing. Most of us don't speak Italian anyway. He already had an exceptional instrument. Now he appears to have a broader palette.
10 August, 2011
Cancellation of San Diego Show...
To the disappointment of many fans, Josh's show scheduled for Aug 16 at the Viejas Arena, San Diego has been cancelled.
The official line is that the cancellation is due to "scheduling issues". Fans are understandably disappointed, especially given that it's been noted he won't be able to book another San Diego appearance this year because of the way his tour is set up.
After tonight's show in Milwaukee Josh tweeted:
And then in a response to a tweet where a Twitter user stated "Obviously not fantastic enough for you to want to play. :(
Josh responded with:
I'm sure the decision to cancel was not taken lightly by Josh and his team. He would totally understand the disappointment felt by the fans impacted by this decision.
(Source 1, 2 & 3)
The official line is that the cancellation is due to "scheduling issues". Fans are understandably disappointed, especially given that it's been noted he won't be able to book another San Diego appearance this year because of the way his tour is set up.
After tonight's show in Milwaukee Josh tweeted:
And then in a response to a tweet where a Twitter user stated "Obviously not fantastic enough for you to want to play. :(
Josh responded with:
I'm sure the decision to cancel was not taken lightly by Josh and his team. He would totally understand the disappointment felt by the fans impacted by this decision.
(Source 1, 2 & 3)
08 August, 2011
Double Dream Hands...
Way back on Jan 29, Josh tweeted the following:
And this was the link:
Double Dream Hands responded:
So it was a dream come true for Josh when he met "Double Dream Hands" while on tour in Columbus. First at a steakhouse:
And then, during his Columbus show this happened:
Here's another video that shows what happened before John joined josh on stage:
After the show, John (aka Double Dram Hands) then tweeted:
And finally, Josh tweeted:
How fantastic!!! And to get Groban to 'dance' on stage, well @DblDreamHnds needs to be congratulated. I'm sure this will go down as one of the top 10 moments in Grobania folklore.
(Source 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5)
And this was the link:
Double Dream Hands responded:
So it was a dream come true for Josh when he met "Double Dream Hands" while on tour in Columbus. First at a steakhouse:
And then, during his Columbus show this happened:
Here's another video that shows what happened before John joined josh on stage:
After the show, John (aka Double Dram Hands) then tweeted:
And finally, Josh tweeted:
How fantastic!!! And to get Groban to 'dance' on stage, well @DblDreamHnds needs to be congratulated. I'm sure this will go down as one of the top 10 moments in Grobania folklore.
(Source 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5)
05 August, 2011
New Tour Dates - South Africa...
Josh will be performing four (4) shows in South Africa from 26 - 30 November.
For more details, please visit the Tour Page on JoshGroban.com
- 11/26 - Sun City - Superbowl
- 11/27 - Sun City - Superbowl
- 11/29 - Grand Arena - GrandWest Cape Town
- 11/30 - Grand Arena - GrandWest Cape Town
For more details, please visit the Tour Page on JoshGroban.com
Pittsburgh review...
By Rosa Colucci of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
Josh Groban made a long overdue concert stop in Pittsburgh's Consol Energy Center Wednesday night to the delight of 7,000 fans.(Source)
With his eight-piece orchestra playing a fiery instrumental from the main stage, everyone looked for the young superstar. He then appeared from the back of the auditorium and bounded onto a secondary stage in the middle of the floor wearing his trademark dark jeans, V-neck tee, black blazer and K-Swiss tennies.
A sea of cellphone cameras lit up like little stars while Groban broke into "Changing Colors." The rapt audience stood still while he performed "February Song" and "You Are Loved." In the middle of the latter, he grabbed the mic and ran through the crowd, greeting his fans and flashing a winning smile.
He introduced songs such as "Bells of New York City," "Higher Window" and "Alejate" with engaging stories. Mr. Groban, no stranger to playing instruments, showed his abilities on both stages, playing two pianos and performing a smoking-hot drum solo on an instrumental version of "Live and Let Die."
Fans were treated to a lot of personal interaction as he walked the audience with a microphone. A 9-year-old named Hadley revealed this was her first concert, and he promised early on to make it her best. Later, he invited her on stage with other fans to a make-shift lounge area where he served milk to the kids and wine to the adults before he performed for them. There was a Q&A segment that bore the best moment of the night. A young woman named Kate was heading to the Navy for boot camp in three weeks, and she asked to duet with him. They sang "Smile," and cellphones everywhere recorded the heartwarming moment.
It was hard to believe that Mr. Groban performed more than 20 songs including "Galileo," "Weeping" and "Per Te," as he moved from stage to stage spending so much time with the audience (and recalling his short time at Carnegie Mellon University). His boundless energy and showmanship serve him well.
One thing that was missing -- but not missed -- was a large video screen so common in concerts these days.
One thing that should have been missing -- but wasn't -- was the bass guitar that overshadowed the mix of the music throughout the night. Run through processors, it became a loud hindrance to Mr. Groban's rich tenor and baritone ranges. The best musical moments came when Mr. Groban sang with just one or two instruments. This was especially true during the encore of "You Raise Me Up," when he was accompanied by piano and viola and his voice beautifully filled the auditorium.
The show opened with Elew, a Manhattan School of Music trained jazz pianist. His 30-minute set included popular songs by Lynyrd Skynyrd, Henry Mancini and even a few television show themes. His style of "rock-jazz piano" was straight-ahead showmanship. However, at times it felt contrived and uninspired, right down to the plucking and dampening of the piano strings in the case. This richly talented man previously toured with other heavyweights like Wynton Marsalis and Cassandra Wilson. It is hoped that as he matures, he will dig deeper to bring more musical substance to the table.
It's been four years since Mr. Groban played Pittsburgh. All in all, his easy demeanor and crowd interaction left the audience feeling as if it had had a great visit with a best friend.
04 August, 2011
More international tour dates...
A moderator on the official boards has recently responded to a question about if there are plans for additional dates to be added to the tour in the US after the last show in NYC in November.
The response was "Don't know about additional US dates at the moment, but there are some international dates coming."
This information matches up with a question a fan directly asked Josh after the Newark show. The fan who had traveled from Australia, asked when he would be touring down under. He in turn asked Dennis and who replied December, to which she then double checked and asked if he meant December THIS YEAR! Josh then smiled and said YES!
So it looks like Josh might be escaping winter to grab some sunshine in the Southern Hemisphere in December. Last time Josh toured Australia was for the 2007 "Awake Tour". Dates on this tour included 4 nights at the Sydney Opera House, 3 nights at Hamer Hall in Melbourne, 2 nights at QPAC in Brisbane and 1 night each in Adelaide and Perth.
If Josh does tour in December, I wonder if he'll do Carols in the Domain again this year???
The response was "Don't know about additional US dates at the moment, but there are some international dates coming."
This information matches up with a question a fan directly asked Josh after the Newark show. The fan who had traveled from Australia, asked when he would be touring down under. He in turn asked Dennis and who replied December, to which she then double checked and asked if he meant December THIS YEAR! Josh then smiled and said YES!
So it looks like Josh might be escaping winter to grab some sunshine in the Southern Hemisphere in December. Last time Josh toured Australia was for the 2007 "Awake Tour". Dates on this tour included 4 nights at the Sydney Opera House, 3 nights at Hamer Hall in Melbourne, 2 nights at QPAC in Brisbane and 1 night each in Adelaide and Perth.
If Josh does tour in December, I wonder if he'll do Carols in the Domain again this year???
The 'OTHER' Top Ten...
Various reports are coming out about the Television Critics Association tour stop with a Top 10 special from late night host David Letterman.
It looks like Josh drew on his experience from the show to do a special for Top 10 "Little Known Songs About Television" on behalf of Letterman. The songs included:
It looks like Josh drew on his experience from the show to do a special for Top 10 "Little Known Songs About Television" on behalf of Letterman. The songs included:
- Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high
There’s a place that has not been home to a CSI
(Sung to the tune of “Somewhere”) - I see Keith Olbermann rant on Current TV, attacking Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity
And I think to myself...what an enormous head
(Sung to the tune of “What a Wonderful World”) - What is the deal with my Tivo
It recommends odd programs to see
I only watch Glee and Project Runway but Tivo says Swamp People’s right for me
(Sung to the tune of “Wind Beneath My Wings”) - I’ve got nine hundred channels comin’ into my TV
And I’d estimate two-thirds of them are selling costume jewelry
(Sung to the tune of “God Bless the USA”) - Check out Big Brother
Stay for the hour
And if you’re lucky, you might see someone shower
(Sung to the tune of “Climb Ev’ry Mountain”) - Whenever I watch Two and a Half Men I ask myself just what they mean
How’s the kid still a “half man”? He’s 19
(Sung to the tune of “Let It Be”) - "NCIS” Who the hell knows what that stands for?
(Sung to the tune of “You Raise Me Up”) - Why do the terrorists hate us so? The answer’s plain to see
Try to watch 30 seconds of Real Housewives of NYC
(Sung to the tune of “I’ll Be Seeing You”) - Before you critics craft your reviews and dole out your 1-to-5 stars
We here at the CBS Network, invite you to our open bars
(Sung to the tune of “Impossible Dream”) - Those Cialis and Viagra and Levitra ads you see pay for your favorite shows
All hail E.D.!
(Sung to the tune of “God Bless America”)
Q & A...
Before his concert at Philadelphia's Wells Fargo Center, Josh hosted a Q & A session for Musicopia, the group that was chosen by Josh's Find Your Light foundation.
Musicopia is a nonprofit organization that works with approximately 100 of our region’s professional musicians to present a wealth of music education programs. Musicopia is also the leading advocate for restoring and improving in-school music instruction throughout the Greater Philadelphia area. Founded in 1974 as “Strings for Schools,” the organization once focused primarily on classical string music. Now Musicopia provides assemblies, workshops and long-term residencies that span a huge range of musical traditions. Musicopia builds neighborhood vitality through music festivals and community concerts given jointly by students and professionals. These joyous events engage families in their children’s cultural development and celebrate the musical achievements of students at all levels. Through instrument donation drives and neighborhood-based student performing ensembles, Musicopia makes musical participation accessible to underserved students throughout the area. To learn more about Musicopia and how to get involved visit http://www.musicopia.net/. (Source - Find your Light Foundation)
Musicopia is a nonprofit organization that works with approximately 100 of our region’s professional musicians to present a wealth of music education programs. Musicopia is also the leading advocate for restoring and improving in-school music instruction throughout the Greater Philadelphia area. Founded in 1974 as “Strings for Schools,” the organization once focused primarily on classical string music. Now Musicopia provides assemblies, workshops and long-term residencies that span a huge range of musical traditions. Musicopia builds neighborhood vitality through music festivals and community concerts given jointly by students and professionals. These joyous events engage families in their children’s cultural development and celebrate the musical achievements of students at all levels. Through instrument donation drives and neighborhood-based student performing ensembles, Musicopia makes musical participation accessible to underserved students throughout the area. To learn more about Musicopia and how to get involved visit http://www.musicopia.net/. (Source - Find your Light Foundation)
03 August, 2011
Top 10 Rejected Josh Groban songs...
As seen on The Late Show with David Letterman...
** Edit - If you're having trouble with the embedded video, here's a link that might work.
And a review from the Huffington Post:
Thanks to f*ckyeahjoshgroban.tumblr here's the top 10 in written form -
** Edit - If you're having trouble with the embedded video, here's a link that might work.
And a review from the Huffington Post:
We haven't seen Josh Groban have this much fun on late night since he was singing Kanye's tweets on "Jimmy Kimmel Live." You know, back when Kanye's tweets were something we talked about.
Groban, who landed a role in the new Steve Carell/Ryan Gosling rom-com "Crazy Stupid Love" stopped by "The Late Show" Monday night to help out David Letterman with the "Top Ten List."
In what could definitely be Letterman's least yawn-inducing list this year, Groban offers ten snippets of "rejected" songs about news and pop culture. Watch the video and tell us which one should be a real song in the comments below (we're thinking that Marcus Bachmann tune might be pretty
Thanks to f*ckyeahjoshgroban.tumblr here's the top 10 in written form -
- It wasn’t broken, wasn’t injured don’t know why it came to pass that Kim Kardashian x-rayed her ass (to the tune of God Bless American)
- I see skies of soot, clouds of black, scorching hot days, belching smoke stacks, and I think to myself… Holy crap, we’re screwed (What a Wonderful World)
- When you said that you were winning, this outcome was unforeseen, replaced by Ashton Kutcher — charlie sheen (Let It Be)
- I’m proud to be a straight guy in each every way since Michelle Bachmann’s husband helped me pray away the gay (God Bless the USA)
- You knocked me up like Arnold Schwarzenegger (You Raise Me Up)
- How could he know so much about me? As if my thoughts were not my own. It took me a decade to discover that Rupert Murdoch tapped my phone. (Wind Beneath My Wings)
- I’ve had all kinds of singing gigs, I’d gladly take again but tonight’s the only time, I’ll do a lame top ten
- Fix the economy soon, if you please or else by next year, we’ll all speak Chinese (Climb Every Mountain)
- Somewhere out of the internet, when you click, you’ll find multiple photos of Anthony Weiner’s… torso (Somewhere Over The Rainbow)
- And New York will be better for this, that one man in an amorous mood can get all the legal permission required to marry a dude (The Impossible Dream)
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